That may well get your attention as any of you who read this know that I am NOT a fashionista!
Last night I test ran the current generation of ©lululemon athletica's Women's Brisk Run Armwarmers. I emphasize ran as they are also useful for cycling.
They cover the area of your arm from where your fingers meet your palm almost all the way to the armpit.
The top area of the warmers over your hand have a little pockets of sorts. The pockets don't close so you wouldn't want to put anything in them that could easily slip out. My keys (three on the ring) did stay in the entire time. You may be able to stick your iPod in it.
They have this lovely little thumb hole feature (it works!)
Unlike the earlier generation (I lost mine at a triathlon), they have a gathered area for bending at the elbow (it works!)
They also have a reflective strip up the entire length on both arm warmers.
They have a break in the glove-to-cuff on the right armwarmer (not left) so you can monitor your watch and other important information. Mmmm ... I think we've been here before!
A little iPod pocket is at the top of the sleeve on the left armwarmer. I assume it's for an iPod because of the two slits for cords. Not functional at all for either lefties or righties. A couple of songs came on the iPod that were more for stretching and I was unable to forward it to the next song by using the shake feature or manual forward.
If you chose to wear the armwarmers then it must be cooler to cold out; right?
So, logically, you'd be wearing a short- or long-sleeved tee or, say, a running jacket like the Running Room (I am not promoting Running Room garments) sells.
The reflective strip was covered mostly by my short-sleeved tee, leaving the rest of me mightily cold (even after a 40-minute run). I'd say this feature isn't necessary unless ...
you are wearing this top:
And if it is that kind of weather that sends you into armwarmers and jackets, why oh why would you be wearing a top such as that pictured above. Surely not to have access to the iPod pocket and show off the reflective strips!
It would be like wearing a coat and having an umbrella while oh so fashionably shod in strappy sandals or summer slides!
I can't even begin to tell you how awkward it was to loop the cord from the slits at the top of my arm under the tee sleeve and into my ears. I tried putting the cord up through the neck of my tee and it just kept looping itself under the girls.
They caused my arms to get way too warm, leaving the rest of me "out in the cold". Given that it was a cold rainy night there wasn't a hope in heck that I'd be wearing anything like the top above. I went pretty minimalist as it was.
Having said all that, they (last generation) were great for spring/fall bike riding. I could take them off when I got warmed up. I had my pack to store them in: where could you stores these if you get too warm? Because if you're wearing the top pictured above (to show off your pretty little fashionable - not functional - armwarmers) you have no place to store anything.
I'll let you decide whether they are worth your $28. For me they will be used for cycling.