I was at the Starbucks in Steveston on Sunday and one cyclist and I started chatting and he had done 95K already and still had to get back to the North Shore. At that point I was only halfway and my shoulders just slumped – sheesh, what a wimp I am.
Got out again on Monday and managed to do 60K – okay, I’m older so I’m permitted a bit of grace. Stopped in at Judy’s and saw my Pickle – what a pick-me-up dawg kisses and love can provide. Picture of the Pickle (who couldn’t love that face!):
Having my bike properly fit to me made a big difference in the speed I was able to go, without even trying (YAY! and thank you so very much to Nathan at Lynn Valley Physiotherapy). I still have to get the handle bars right but I just discovered my neighbour builds his own bikes so he’s offered whatever help he can.
One thing about this kind of training – the support you receive from the people closest to you is indescribable. I simply could not be doing this without my Squeeze’s support. Between training and working out I hardly ever see him! But he’s always waiting for me to come home with a big cheery smile on his face asking me how it went (probably because he’s not stupid enough to put himself through this kind of pain!). So, big thanks to my Squeeze (who couldn’t love that face!):
Below are just some pics that I took this weekend. It’s amazing what you can pay attention to when you’re on a bike. I can only assume this little creature (I’m going to call it a duck even though I’m sure there is a more proper name for it) was cheering Nancy, Marina and I on as we left for our training ride. And the lambs had a lot to say to us as I stopped and took their pic:
Power of pink: today’s picture is about a great view. Pink just cheers my soul – and it is so easy to see from long distances. Pink cherry blossoms are to be found everywhere in the Lower Mainland and they are beautiful, but my fave has always been (because my grandparent’s had their driveway lined with them) English Hawthorne. And just because ... my lovely mode of transport - note the pink accents!
Below is the link (CORRECT ONE) that I should have been sending for those of you who have requested to donate. I am not a computer whiz so I apologize for the former incorrect information.
Click HERE to donate!
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